Friday, January 23, 2015

A Visit from Friends Part 3 | Campo Alegria, San Juan de Orient & Masaya Volcano

Day 6 was a sick day for the Butlers (that's us), but our friends managed to make it to our pre-booked tour at Isla Ometepe. If you know them, please ask to see the photos, because they're gorgeous. Just gorgeous.

Day 7 we left the guesthouse we had rented at Campo Alegria and as we did John and Jeremy took some pictures of the farm. From our understanding it's a sugar plantation (?) and Jeremy and Emily were checking out the equipment and loving the farm landscape there. It's in their blood. The place is stunning.

We made our way to San Juan de Orient, a lovely artisan pottery village. 

Jeremy caught a came of futbol and became a local hero.

Lilian saw a chicken she wanted to follow, so we followed a chicken.

The chicken lived beside a woman that made clay vases the size of Lilian and she let her play with the clay, which was amazing. Nevermind Playdoh, this is how you educate your children.

Then Jeremy shared his water with some kids and that made him the coolest guy alive. 

On our way home we made it to Masaya. Technically we had arrived too late to be allowed in and we thought we could make the night tour, but we learned that you need to make reservations if you want a night tour (whoops) and got allowed in for a short time, anyway. Cue us gawking at Masaya Volcano at sunset. Glorious.

Life around the house. Jeremy built this while the kids were sleeping. Because when you're a parent you don't know what to do with yourself when kids are sleeping. It's true. 

This is Lilian pouting. She pouts now. 

The next day we stopped by the orphanage (the one that we have friends at) and played with the kids for an hour or two. 

And then got ice cream. 

That night, John and Jeremy also visited Masaya Volcano to do the night tour properly and came home with some crazy stories - something about a guy named Danny that ended up hitching a ride with them, something else about a motorcycle they pulled out of a ditch, a talkative man from Saskatchewan and pictures of lava. It sounded like the kind of adventure you have when you're in your twenties and your kids aren't with you. Ask them about it. Also John's pictures are so good that he is saving them for his blog, so I'll post the link when they're available. Photographers, am I right?

The end.

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