Sunday, December 7, 2014

Hoy Es Domingo: The last week in pictures

At home...

We visited Pochomil Beach, on the Pacific Ocean a week and a half ago. 
We found a lot of slugs and a shark skeleton. 
We did not fall in love with the Pacific Ocean.
These GIRLS.

Last Monday & Tuesday, we took a trip to Laguna de Apoyo & stayed at this Bed and Breakfast
 The accommodations were crazy beautiful & it's a place we would take friends to if they visited (you know who you are) but the owner was a little lost in space. He gave us the worst directions to the BNB and we got lost for 3 hrs and then a handful of Nicaraguans gave us wrong directions (each of them separately) because apparently the rule here is that if you don't know something you pretend you do (it's true) and then almost ran out of gas and then had to drive 30 minutes to the closest gas station on less than an empty tank, but we made it. 

The upside on getting lost on our way there was we ended up on the lookout spot at the mountain over the lagoon, and John got this picture. And then we got all annoyed at each other because we'd been driving three hours and the babies were FINISHED and it was hot and why are we not in Canada trimming a Christmas tree right now? It ended up being worth it. As these things are.

Despite that stunning panoramic, the view is better from the actual lagoon and after everyone takes a dip and the grownups have a drink. 

The water is literally crystal clear as the lagoon is the top of an extinct volcano that has been filled in with rain water. By that I mean, no scary creatures inside.

This was on our drive home. Actually, this is what we see on the drive home every day. 
I said I wouldn't post any landscapes but really... John is just too good a photographer. 

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